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Small enough to care - Large enough to deliver

Kenyon Davies Residential:


Since moving to Cornwall, we saw an opportunity to offer the expertise we have within the company to provide a quality, cost efficient solution to residential extensions and developments. 


Your small but experienced team can guide you from the initial planning stage all the way through to completion, we provide a safe pair of hands that you can rely on and will help guide you through the whole process. Our team will coordinate the entire project, including the contracting of all necessary tradesmen to complete the project. This can include plumbers, electricians, painters and more, depending on the needs and scope of the project.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our work, ensuring all jobs are completed to code and of the highest quality. We can handle a variety of jobs and will take the time to sit with our clients to discuss what it is they want and need allowing us to bring their vision to life.


If you're looking to undertake any construction project contact Kenyon Davies today for a quote.

Recent Projects:

A small range of our latest Residential and Commercial Projects:

Brick Construction

Interested in hearing more or receiving a quotation, send us a message and we will get back to you. 

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